See It. Say It. Do It! The Parent's & Teacher's Action Guide to Creating Successful Students & Confident Kids

Calling all Parents and Teachers ... Welcome to the world of visualization--where children learn to learn better, achieve more and build confidence. What happens when the formal school years hit? Why do so many struggle in school, a place where their curiosity should be encouraged to grow? Too many children are frustrated with the basic academic subjects--reading, writing, spelling and math. Your child may become a master of avoiding tasks, stressed or anxious or have a behavioral problem. No more.With Dr. Hellerstein's pioneering book, See It. Say It. Do It!, your child will discover a whole new world. Action will be taken in all areas of his or her life by:* Becoming more confident*Creating strategies to overcome obstacles and barriers*Being successful in school & sports*Developing a joy for learning*Enhancing sports performanceImagine your child reading and writing for fun! Enjoy learning spelling words and math facts through visualization strategies. Teach your child how to effectively prepare for test and stressful competitions. Give your child a gift for life. See It. Say It. Do It!; offers the tools and strategies that will improve and empower performance levels. It will inspire and transform you and your child. Both of you will be celebrating with a huge TA-DAH!

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