Product Name: Contact Lens Cases Travel/Us-pupil Cases TravelSecurity Information The mirror box may be an important source of microbial contamination, which is changed at least once a month. Do not rinse the lens case with water. Water may contain microorganisms that can cause serious infection or blindness. Use only fresh, multi-purpose solutions (or sterile saline solution) to prevent contamination of the lens case. If your box comes into contact with water, replace it with a new box. Be sure to follow the doctor's instructions and all label instructions for proper use of your lenses and lens care products. Indications Used to store soft (hydrophilic), rigid gas permeable (RGP) or hard contact lenses during chemical sterilization. Used only for storage during chemical disinfection. Do not use with thermal disinfection. route Clean/wash your case and the top of the disinfectant solution before each use - Do not use tap water, soap, detergent or household cleaners. Fill each hole with a new solution - Never reuse or "close" a used solution. Follow your solution to disinfect the manufacturer's instructions to clean the lens. After the lens has been sterilized, rinse the shell with a disinfecting solution, flip the shell over and shake any excess solution out of the shell, and allow the shell to air dry. Change the lens sleeve at least once a month.