Always keep your good eyes with you at all times with Optix 55! Our premium contacts carrying case keeps your lenses perfectly intact for whenever you need them! A massive 12 pack so you get a year's worth of lens protection and convenient transportation with your contacts.PRODUCT FEATURES Durable Contact Lens Carrying Cases 12 Pack Assorted ColorsEasy-to-Identify Left/Right Tops Lightweight Construction Compact to Fit AnywhereOPTIMAL PROTECTION FOR YOUR CONTACTSOne of the worst things you can do with your contacts is leave them exposed to bacteria. Many cases don't keep your lenses secure and can allow some remnants of the outside world inside. Sometimes you frequently need to switch off between contacts, glasses, or no eyewear mode constantly throughout your day and just need a reliable place to keep your contacts perfectly clean. Our contacts provide ultimate closure to keep lenses safe from anything. A durable construction allows for protection when you accidentally drop them.LONG LASTING SUPPLYMany optometrists suggest you change your lens cases every month to ensure superior hygiene for your eyes. That's why we offer you with a year's worth of cases so you get the most from one order! An assortment of colors with each individual cap on each so you can easily distinguish which is the one for your left eye and your right eye, which is perfect if you have different prescriptions in each eye!With Optix 55, you're getting the best eye care health products for you! With our deluxe contact lens cases, you'll be on the go with maximum comfort. Wear your contacts and keep them safe and clean while you're on your travels with us!