These Optix 55 blue-tinted computer reading glasses minimize the eye strain caused by harmful blue rays emitted from digital screens. They are designed for alleviating visual fatigue and discomfort from web surfing, gaming & work under fluorescent light.Choosing the Right Prescription StrengthYour computer reading magnification power is different from what you choose when selecting reading glasses, as one typically sees the screen from further than one would read.For desktop use (Approximately 19 inches away) select a magnification about 1/2 your normal reading power.For a smartphone, tablet or book, about 12-18 inches distance from eyes, select your normal reading power.Product Details:- Lightweight Plastic Frame Material for a Comfortable Fit- Plastic Lenses With Blue Tint- Includes Bonus Optix 55 Branded Glasses Case & Micro Fiber cleaning Cloth- Size: 51-17-140- Magnification Strength Choice: None, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, +3.00, +3.50, +4.00This pair of computer glasses can help avoid eye strain, headaches & blurry vision, improving your overall productivity at work or home while using a computer. Blurry vision, headaches, eye strain & eye fatigue can be forgotten with computer glasses. Block the harmful blue light, today! The anti-reflective coating on computer glasses do much to help reduce the glare bouncing off your screens & light from electronic devices. Single vision computer glasses reduce the risk of blurred vision, strain, & even negative posture straining. Single vision lenses are for any age computer user. Optix 55 computer glasses are essential premium protection for anyone using electronic devices daily.